Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Cancer Revealed

In my introductory post of yesterday, I accused the American people for the deterioration of our nation and via that post's title alluded to the citizens of the country as a cancer. Today I will expound more on this claim.

Though at this time I must confess a major transgression which has aided in my own contribution to the cancerous death that spreads through the citizens of the U.S.A. I read the Constitution for the first time today. I feel ashamed to admit that I am a 25 year old American college student, serving in the armed forces and only just today read one of the documents that constitute the very fiber of our government. This short piece of writing has aided in the rise of arguably the greatest nation on earth. Although I feel this shame, I also have a small degree of satisfaction and pride in the fact I have begun to distance myself from the cancer that is eating America.

I speak of cancer and death in conjunction with this country we live in. These are ambiguous words I use to convey the true importance, the nature of the beast, that we are dealing with. In truth and specifically, the apathy, laziness and selfishness of those whom claim citizenship to this nation is setting the stage for the eventual collapse of American society as it has
ever been known. 'We the people' have stopped our collective efforts to 'form a more perfect union'. Is it possible that we believe the work that began over 230 years ago is over? Are we that blind?

Yet that is the cause of this cancer, the apathy, the laziness. Somewhere along the way, we have adopted a philosophy that says "Yes, the liberties and rights we now enjoy are inherent to our way of life as Americans. We can do as we will." These are what we see and call our 'freedoms'. What a deceiving word. And if you agree to the above quoted text without thought or hesitation, without at least a passing study of the nature of our freedoms,
you are a cancerous cell.

Have the oceans of blood spilt in the defense of those rights and liberties mean nothing to you? Have you the gall to claim that what others have procured on your behalf, you can do with as you will? It seems to be unknown to almost an entire nation that what we call freedom, is in actuality the most costly achievement to gain. Thus, when it is handed to those who have payed no price, we deal cheaply with. This is the rot that has begun to destroy the very gut of our society.

Should you recognize these facts, if you are insightful enough to recognize that the life you have was payed for by another and yet do nothing but idly watch the news and carry on with life, then you as well are cancerous. America is not a country of freedoms. It is a country with a foundation of blood and bones. It is a living, breathing thing. It requires constant vigilance and care. Given a puppy, would you not feed it, take care of it, mend it's broken bone? So you should with the nation. The House, Senate, President, other appointed officials, diplomats and so forth may be given the express job of the running of our country, but remember that they serve the American people, and America is only as good as it's citizens.

The United States of America requires work. What have you done to ensure that the rights given you by generations past, will be handed down to future generations? This line must be kept, once it is broken, this nation will collapse. If you feel no obligation to prove yourself more than just bestowed upon with unequaled rights and liberties, if you feel no desire to somehow serve the greater good and work to form a more perfect union, you should in no way feel the need to call yourself American.

1 comment:

Matthew Schwen said...

America today, Amerika tomorrow.

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